What we attend to becomes part of our conscious experience, while unattended stimuli remain outside of our awareness.

The subjective quality of experiences is influenced by what we pay attention to. Attention shapes the richness and texture of our conscious experiences.

Attention plays a critical role in the encoding of information into memory. Information that is attended to is more likely to be remembered.

Attention enables self-awareness and introspection, allowing us to reflect on our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Through focused attention, we can regulate our emotions and actions, aligning them with our conscious intentions and goals.
Practices that involve focused attention, such as meditation and mindfulness, can lead to altered states of consciousness characterized by heightened awareness and clarity.

Deep engagement in activities, facilitated by intense focus, can lead to flow states where one is fully immersed and loses a sense of time and self.

Disorders of attention, such as ADHD, highlight the importance of attention in normal conscious functioning. These conditions can affect perception, memory, and executive functions, altering the experience of consciousness.