“Metaphors We Live By” (1980) is a seminal book by linguist George Lakoff and philosopher Mark Johnson that explores the role of metaphors in shaping our understanding of the world.

  1. Metaphors are not “just figures of speech”
  2. Conceptual metaphors underlie our understanding of abstract concepts.
  3. These metaphors form a coherent system.
  4. This system allows us to comprehend one aspect of a concept in terms of another
    • e.g. TIME == MONEY: time is valuable, spend it wisely
  5. This act of highlighting some aspects for us, necessarily also hides other aspects from us that don’t align with the system
    • e.g. TIME != MONEY: no refunds
  6. Metaphorical thought is pervasive

By recognizing the role of metaphors in shaping our understanding, Lakoff and Johnson suggest that we can gain a deeper appreciation for how language influences our perceptions. Metaphors are not just decorative devices but rather fundamental tools for constructing meaning and understanding.