The paper “Language Models are General-Purpose Interfaces” by Yifan Hao, Hanwen Song, Li Dong, Shuming Huang, and Zhifang Chi proposes a framework for using language models as interfaces to various foundation models. The key idea is to use a language model to interact with pretrained encoders that handle different modalities, such as vision and language. This approach aims to create a versatile system capable of performing a wide range of tasks by leveraging the strengths of specialized foundation models.

Key Points:

  1. Foundation Models and Language Models:

    • Foundation Models: These are large pretrained models that serve as a base for a variety of tasks. Examples include BERT for language tasks and CLIP for vision-language tasks.
    • Language Models as Interfaces: The authors propose using language models (e.g., GPT-3) as a unifying interface to connect and interact with these foundation models.
  2. General-Purpose Interface:

    • The language model acts as an intermediary that understands and processes inputs in natural language, generating appropriate outputs or commands for the foundation models.
    • This setup allows users to interact with complex systems using simple language instructions, making the technology more accessible.
  3. Multimodal Capabilities:

    • The framework supports multimodal interactions by connecting language models with encoders for different types of data (e.g., images, text, audio).
    • This enables the system to handle tasks that involve multiple types of inputs and outputs, such as describing an image or generating a caption for a video.
  4. Training and Evaluation:

    • The language model is trained on a diverse dataset to understand a wide range of instructions and generate corresponding outputs.
    • The system is evaluated on various tasks to demonstrate its flexibility and effectiveness. These tasks include standard NLP benchmarks, vision-language tasks, and other multimodal challenges.
  5. Advantages and Challenges:

    • Advantages: The proposed framework simplifies the use of multiple foundation models, enhances task versatility, and leverages the strengths of specialized models.
    • Challenges: Integrating different models and ensuring smooth interaction between them can be complex. Additionally, the system must handle the varying levels of performance and robustness of the individual models.


The paper introduces a novel approach to using language models as general-purpose interfaces, enabling seamless interaction with various foundation models across different modalities. This framework aims to enhance the versatility and accessibility of AI systems, allowing users to perform a wide range of tasks through natural language instructions.

For more details, you can access the full paper here.