What’s an ML model?

An object/file that has been conditioned by an algorithm to learn specific patterns in datasets

What’s an LLM?

A machine learning model designed to understand and generate human language
Trained on vast amounts of text data

Today’s most powerful open-weights model is Meta’s Llama3.1

LLM’s are made up of two files, parameters and run.c

  • parameters contains the weights of the language model. For example, Llama3:8b has a parameter size of 8 billion, so the parameters file will be 16GB (you need two bytes (float16) to store each parameter).

  • run.c contains ~500 lines of C code to implement the NN architecture that uses the parameters to run the model

How to train an LLM from scratch:

  1. Pretraining (base model)

    1. Download ~10TB text
    2. Buy cluster of ~6,000 GPUs
    3. Lossy compress text into a neural network (~$2M, ~12 days)
    4. Obtain base model
  2. Finetuning (assistant model)

    1. Write labeling instructions
    2. Hire people to write quality Q&A responses (and/or comparisons (RLHF))
    3. “Finetune” base model on this data (~1 day)
    4. Obtain assistant model
    5. Run evaluations
    6. Deploy
    7. Monitor, collect misbehaviors, go to step 1

Todo: expand on the following:

  • Closed-source models
  • Llama3.1
  • OpenWebUI
  • Ollama