The paper titled “The Era of 1-bit LLMs: All Large Language Models are in 1.58 Bits” introduces a 1-bit variant of large language models (LLMs) called BitNet b1.58. The key innovation of this model is that each parameter (or weight) is represented in a ternary format {-1, 0, 1}, which significantly reduces the model’s memory and computational requirements while maintaining performance comparable to full-precision models.

Key Points:

  1. 1-bit Model Representation:

    • The BitNet b1.58 model represents each parameter using only 1.58 bits, achieved through ternary quantization {-1, 0, 1}.
    • This quantization method allows the model to match the performance of full-precision models like FP16 or BF16 in terms of perplexity and end-task performance.
  2. Performance and Efficiency:

    • Despite the reduced bit representation, BitNet b1.58 performs on par with full-precision transformer LLMs with the same model size and training tokens.
    • The model demonstrates significant improvements in terms of latency, memory usage, throughput, and energy consumption, making it more cost-effective.
  3. Training and Deployment:

    • The reduced computational and memory requirements enable faster training and easier deployment of the model.
    • The efficiency gains make BitNet b1.58 a practical choice for real-world applications where computational resources are limited.


The introduction of BitNet b1.58 marks a significant step forward in the efficiency of large language models. By utilizing a 1-bit representation for model parameters, it achieves a balance between performance and resource efficiency, paving the way for more scalable and accessible LLMs.

For more details, you can access the full paper here.