“Interpretation of Dreams” by Sigmund Freud (1900)

Freud sought to reveal the complex and often hidden workings of the unconscious, shedding light on the deeper motivations and conflicts that influence our thoughts and behaviors.

Dreams as Wish Fulfillment

  • dreams enable unconscious to fulfill repressed desires / wishes
  • many dreams represent fulfillment of wishes (not satisfied in waking life)

The Unconscious Mind

  • the existence of the unconscious mind
    • harbors desires, thoughts, and memories that are not accessible to conscious mind.
    • Dreams provide a window into this hidden part of our psyche.

Dream Symbols

  • dreams use symbolic language to represent unconscious desires.
    • a dream about a journey might symbolize a desire for change or escape.
  • Understanding these symbols is key to interpreting dreams.

Manifest vs. Latent Content

  • manifest content of a dream (the literal storyline or images)
  • latent content (the hidden psychological meaning)
  • dream interpretation involves uncovering latent content from manifest content

Dream Censorship

  • part of the mind acts as a censor
    • transform bad thoughts into good forms through symbols / displacement
      • true meaning of dreams is often disguised

The Role of Childhood Experiences

  • many repressed desires / conflicts in dreams are rooted in childhood experiences
  • understanding these early experiences is crucial for interpreting dreams

The Method of Free Association

  • free association: patients would say whatever came to mind without censorship
  • uncover the latent content of dreams by bypassing the censor