
  • Antioxidants

    • combat oxidative stress
    • reduce the risk of chronic diseases
  • Mental Alertness, Concentration, Cognitive Function

  • Physical Performance

    • increasing adrenaline levels
    • breaking down body fat
    • making free fatty acids available as fuel
  • Metabolism Boost

  • Reduced Risk of Certain Diseases

    • Parkinson’s disease
    • Alzheimer’s disease
    • type 2 diabetes
    • certain types of cancer
  • Heart Health

    • 3-4 cups a day associated with a reduced risk of heart disease


  • Insomnia, Restlessness, Anxiety

    • increased cortisol levels (stress hormone)
  • Digestive Issues

    • stimulates production of stomach acid
      • heartburn
      • upset stomach
      • acid reflux
      • gastritis
  • Addiction and Withdrawal

    • headaches, fatigue, and irritability
  • Increased Blood Pressure

    • usually temporary
  • Bone Health

    • may interfere with calcium absorption
